鹰击长空,翱翔万里。,在潮流瞬息万变的时代,以其创新,独特,潮流先导者的形象特点,在卫浴市场上占领着重要席位。凭借“质量第一、信誉第一、用户至上”的经营宗旨,以完美要自己,把实在献给客人。 自生产第一套洁具以来,便致力从各个细节上做到尽善尽美,无论线条、用料、设计、釉面等,都倾注了人的心血。完美属于认真的人,而则将完美完整地献给他的客人们。 在信息万变的时代,时尚总有它的不同存在方式,莎恩纳以其特有的潮流触角,充满想象力的设计风格,成为为顾客呈现的最好的礼物。莎恩纳是旗下的优质产品,他以适合都市人的生活为品牌定位,为各位生活节奏极快的个性人士读度身设计舒适的卫浴。他所制造的每一件精品,都向都市人描述了在快节奏的生活中,如何为家居浴室赋予更丰富的个性内涵,进一步展现都市人勇于求新求变的生存方式。每件作品都达到“形神兼备”的境界,每个组合都为使用者建立一种与众不同的浴室风格与独树一帜的个性风范。 奔腾,时尚莎恩纳。无论你对浴室有什么需求,总会在你身边。 DAHONGYING has been in a character of innovation, special, trend leader in this society where trend is fast changing. It has seized an important place in sanitary ware market by its business aim of quality, credit, and does everything for customers. Try our best to make perfect and send it to customers. From the born day, DAHONGYING has been devoting to the perfect quality, to do the best from no matter ware line, material, design, or glaze. Perfect is belonging to the one who is serious, and DAHONGYING devote it to its customers. In the society where trend is fast changing, fashion always exists by different ways. SHAENNA is the best present that DAHONGYING devoted to customers because of its trendiness and imagination. SHAENNA design for individual people of all kinds to cater to the living rhythm in metropolis. It is keeping with the city tastes describes to people that how to give much richer individual intension to houses in the quick-rhythm life and show further the survival way of city people which seeking the newness and change. Each thing achieves the state of both shapes and wonder, and each suit establishes a special bathroom style and an extraordinary individual demeanor. Whatever you want in bathroom, DAHONGYING will always satisfied you to try its best. |