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    Jiangsu Yixing chuanbu refined ceramics factory in Taihu coast that scenes graceful&well-known the world, the famous ancient capital Yixing Dingshu town. Company founder, in a spirit of "seeking technology for innovation and development" enterprise purposes, the production of 95, 99, 75, the series aluminium porcelain pieces, red, zirconium oxide porcelain pieces, a high mechanical strength, good resistance dielectric medium, withstand high temperatures, resistance to wear and tear and other advantages, is widely used in mechanical, chemical, electronics, electrical appliances, textile, and other fields, from the customer's trust.
    Aguilar - with you in setting up accelerated, will be able to reach a successful side.

地址:中国 江苏 宜兴市 丁蜀镇川埠丁香路159号
电话:86 0510 87497768
传真:86 0510 87492890
手机: 13901531383
版权所有 (C) 宜兴市川埠立帆达耐火陶瓷厂 中华陶瓷网 提供技术支持