潮州市枫溪源利陶瓷制作厂是一家较大规模的陶瓷生产企业,集产、供、销、来样加工于一体,产品集潮州陶瓷工艺之精华博采众长,独领风骚,技术力量雄厚。生产各种高、中档宾馆、酒店日用陶瓷和潮流礼品瓷(各行业企业形象广告品)等,产品品种多样、造型新颖、品质优良,也是现代家庭陈设佳品。 本厂素以“信誉笫一,质量笫一”为宗旨,致力与各界人士合作拓展国际市场,本厂不断推出新品,其质量和信用深受海内外客户的信赖和青睐,产品畅销欧美及世界各地,竭诚欢迎海内外各界人士光临惠顾,洽谈订货,共创美好未来。 潮州市枫溪源利陶瓷制作厂全体同仁借此机会恭祝各界朋友与新老客户万事如意,事业兴旺。 Guangdong Chaoan Qunfa Ceramics Co.,Ltd. is located in Fengtang, Chaoan Town. Founded in 1993, the company building covers an area of 10800 square meters. With a full set of production equipment, we manufacture mid-temp color glaze daily-use ceramics including microwave ovens, plates, bowls, pots, cups, jars, flowerpots, and vases. Our products sell very well in many regions and countries especially in Europe, America, Japan and Southeast Asia.