荣成石岛石材有限公司是集花岗石矿山开采、板材加工、异型材雕刻制作及科研于一体的国内大型石材企业,年产驰名中外的石岛红、中磊红、芝麻灰规格荒料5万立方米、石岛红牌花岗石大板、薄板、标准板,圆弧板50万平方米和高档异型石制品10万件(套)。 公司拥有的中国名特石材品种石岛红(G3786)、中磊红(G3789)、芝麻灰大型矿山,资源储量丰富,质地优良上乘,品种国内独有。 Shandong Rongcheng Stone-Island Granite Co. Ltd Shandong Rongcheng Stone-Island Granite Co. Ltd is a large-scaled enterprise which integrates stone quarrying and processing, special-shaped stone products, stone carving and science & research on building materials, etc. together, with an annual output of 50,000 cubic meter various stones, such as Shidao Red, Zhonglei Red, Gloria Pink, and Sesame Grey blocks, etc., 500,000 square meter slabs, tiles, columns, cut-to-size, and 100,000 pieces (suits) high-quality special shaped stone products. The Company develops three famous, excellent and unique quarries: Shidao Red, Gloria Pink and Sesame Grey ,with their rich deposit. |